Robert H. Smith

The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Laughter is infectious, so is Anger

Anger whether is expressed by ourselves or others, is to be reckon as a sign of weakness, demonstrating a lack of emotional control. When unchecked, it can be really harmful, leading to broken relationships, poor health and bad behaviour. That hurt begins with the physical and psychic hurt to the one who is feeling anger. It starts with their increased blood pressure, nervous and muscular tension, interference with normal physiological function. Slowly and surely, it takes a toll on their self image, affecting not only themselves but the people around them. Even a generally happy go lucky person can lose himself when after being influenced for some time. 

A lot of effort is needed to cheer up a generally angsty person, temporarily. It takes perserverence and really "thick skin" to be able to succeed. And because anger is contagious, it doubles the difficulty. When someone expresses anger towards you, it's almost natural instinct to react in defence and respond angrily. In this aspect, I need to practice resisting such a reaction. This I must! 
I think the ultimate solution to anger is a change in mindset - learning to embrace it, to understand what are the triggers and manage them effectively before it can destroy our lives.

Choosing my MBA

After some research, these are some of the 9 key factors I would take into consideration when choosing my post graduate school.

1) Reputation – I don’t want to be ashamed of your school appearing on your cv
2) Duration of course – opportunity cost of doing a part time or full time course on impact on my work/career/cash inflow
3) Budget – how much spare cash do I have and how much loan am I willing to take
4) Faculty – to build a strong network and learn from the best
5) Curriculum – the name of the cert can be good but the contents crap?
6) Student Profile – how much are the students similar to my own values, are they of someone I aspire to be, which are the sectors and positions they go into after grad
7) Years of establishment – definitely one factor to build a strong legacy and good reputation
8) Facilities – do they have sports facilities, location of school, flexibility?
9) Staff – are they friendly and helpful to students?

First thing first, take GMAT!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Organisation Psychology

The short introduction of OP today has led to explore further into the psycline.

As I was reading Maslow's hierarchy of needs, I was intrigued by the way he catagorised and itemise the different types of needs. I wouldn't concur its 100% accurate but I would agree with the general idea - you can get as many things as you want, but if your basic needs are not fulfilled then you won't be any happier.

When certain things are out of your control, i.e. a new job, good bonus, promotion, lucky draws, those that you can't use money to buy....instead of wishing for the stars and crossing your fingers, it's sometimes wiser to align your expectations to reality.

Though painful a process it can be, it helps you to reassess your expectations, measure them against reality and then hopefully provide some motivation to continue to find ways to nuture your dream.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Perfect holiday

I realized I didnt manage to blog about my trips in dec2010. The blog site was always down during the times I tried logging in.

We went bali for a short gateway, stayed in a different hotel for each of the 4 nights. Tunes hotel was pretty safe amidst their faulty safebox. Bangdi Sari offered wet puddles all over it's gardens. Nikko Bali being the most expensive of all, provided an environment of luxury, peace and good food at tanjong benoa beach. I love the fact that they have a 24h clinic to tend to my monkey bitten toe at uluwatu. Talking about it, the incident happened when the silly monkey sank its teeth through my skin,almost reaching the bones as he tried to snatch my golden slipper away from me. He become more forceful sensing that I tightened my grip on the slipper. I won the fight in keeping my golden slipper eventually.

After Bali, I return to Sg joining my family onward to jippon. The tour was very well planned covering long distances-Nagoya-Kobe-osaka-kyoto-Nagoya. The 'dick' temple was particularly interesting where people worship when they pray for a kid etc. Usj had a medium thrill roller coaster which I accompanied my new "sista",belle. She's quite a cool like girl and rarely spends on the things she like other than food coz she's so thrifty. Feels quite weird for a moment initially as I am used to my rowdy brothers.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy new year 2011

Wow, it's been a good year. Lots of traveling, time with friends and family, overcome all odds and yield results at work, periodic exercises of badminton, basketball, swimming and jogging. No tennis for me in 2010 but I think I will do some of it this year at the multipurpose court at my office w my colleagues.

To celebrate the end of a good year, we went to lawry's for the first time to try their specialty - lawrys cut made to perfection. It's quite to our liking but we both prefer morton's to lawrys anytime.

Looking forward to a better 2011.