Robert H. Smith

The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The noise, the action and the energy... what do you make out of it?

With high stress levels, work life balance doesn’t come naturally. A lot of effort is required. I have been juggling with studying for CFA, undertaking greater responsibility at work, staying fit, spending time with my love, family and friends… and not forgetting my little dog. I hope I don’t burn out. It’s not helping when I’m working in this unnamed department which is seriously draining my energy level. I’m glad I’m here for only a month else I wouldn’t know who I will become. Concurrently, I have recently taken on this really messy reconciliation project from another department which stresses me out big time as it requires lots of VBA work (which I am really bad at) and understanding nature of all structured product bookings. I relish the challenge though.

Now, someone has to suck it all up for a greater goal and that someone is me. Anyway, everyone has to be this someone every now and then.

I guess any job can be boring after a while; I am taking a lot of measures to counteract the negative forces/feeling I face here. I tell myself, I have to keep cool at all times! Stay happy and enthusiastic! There is always a choice about the way we do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself. We can choose the attitude we bring to work which can help determine the way we are at work. It’s simple to understand but so difficult to act upon and make it sustainable.

Now, kick me in the butt!