Robert H. Smith

The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I often reflect on things that happens in the day, but it is rarely that i pen them down like this. Recently, I reflect a lot more than usual and realised that how much growing up I have done. I learnt a lot of things that hard way by experiencing it myself. Despite its wisdom, books are of little help. Most of the help comes from within. More often than not, you only learn when you get burnt and its only then , that you understand the true meaning intented by the author. Just like how your parents' nagging suddenly can seem heartwarming to you.

Life takes on a 180 when your perspective of things change. This has been the case for me eversince I started working. Big things in the past become nothing but a speck of dust in my eye. Its nothing more than removing that piece of dirt to get on with life. My key takeaway from all my reflections thus far is that mindset is the key to all success. Because with the right mindset, it can help pull you away from undesirable thoughts and feelings that could hinder success. As it is important to exercise to stay healthy, it is equally important to take time off to understand how your body is feeling. It is always good to know how you are feeling so that you can fine-tune your emotions. After you know what you are dealing with, it would be way easier in managing emotions. i.e pitching it at the right level, making it work for you rather than against you. Everyone has their own formulae, there is no right way of doing things. I have found mine but it is going to take time to nurture it to become receptive to all situations.