Robert H. Smith

The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CNY report

The first morning, we spent most of time in the living room entertaining our relatives and guest comprising of mostly employees. We had about 40-50 people in which everyone found their own little corner to gamble. We had tables of mahjong, blackjack, bigone(also known as daidi), dice and more. Some would assume the role of the banker at any point in time. I never want to be banker coz I don’t really how to be. Haha… It seems really lucrative though. Later, we knelt in front of our grandmother, parents, uncles and aunties in a sequential manner, giving them our blessings in our own unique way possible. My cousins, siblings and I would compete on the best and most number of Chinese proverbs that we can muster in front of our elders.

I finally spoke to my niece, Chloe, whom I think is very rude because she always fail to call me “Auntie Laurene” ; She is in primary 3 in RGPS and does a multitude of extra curriculum activities like ballet, tennis, drama, piano etc. She doesn’t say hi to most of us because she forgot all our names; can’t blame her as there is just so many of us. I made her remember all of our names then and played some little games with her thereafter. Little kids ah…

The second morning we brought Mocca to the botanic gardens. As usual, he would stand up the second we reached the car park as though he could smell the trees. As usual, he went around, marking his territory. The previous SMU sign was replaced with NUS on the building next to food haven; I recalled the days back yonder.

It was a funny sight watching my uncle, Peter learning to blade… I think I dad would be more of a clown. When we came back, we had to entertain some more guests but I was lazy… I just took my lunch, drank 2 glasses of red wine. The next thing I know, I was lying in bed half-drunk. After I awoke, I had dinner and watched few good hours of TV. After writing this, I probably would do a few rounds of cards before I prepare for work again tomorrow…

It wasn’t exactly an eventful CNY but was fun as usual.