Robert H. Smith

The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop, at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, toil with will. Place no faith in time. For the clock may soon be still.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Laughter is infectious, so is Anger

Anger whether is expressed by ourselves or others, is to be reckon as a sign of weakness, demonstrating a lack of emotional control. When unchecked, it can be really harmful, leading to broken relationships, poor health and bad behaviour. That hurt begins with the physical and psychic hurt to the one who is feeling anger. It starts with their increased blood pressure, nervous and muscular tension, interference with normal physiological function. Slowly and surely, it takes a toll on their self image, affecting not only themselves but the people around them. Even a generally happy go lucky person can lose himself when after being influenced for some time. 

A lot of effort is needed to cheer up a generally angsty person, temporarily. It takes perserverence and really "thick skin" to be able to succeed. And because anger is contagious, it doubles the difficulty. When someone expresses anger towards you, it's almost natural instinct to react in defence and respond angrily. In this aspect, I need to practice resisting such a reaction. This I must! 
I think the ultimate solution to anger is a change in mindset - learning to embrace it, to understand what are the triggers and manage them effectively before it can destroy our lives.